Home Remedies For Baldness: The Truth Revealed

Everybody loves their hair, that’s for sure and nobody wants to get bald by the time they are in their 30s. But is it possible to stop hair fall or grow back hair on that receding hairline? Due to limited and very costly hair growth options available, more and more people are looking at home remedies for baldness and ways to treat hair fall naturally.

Let’s face it, we are seeing more and more of young men and women losing their hair fast. Whether it is because of more work related stress or undernourishment, it is worrisome. Some take it in their stride and make it their “thing”. That’s a great way to embrace something that you cannot control, rather than letting it ruin your personality and self-esteem. For others, it just doesn’t work out. With that in mind here is all you need to know about home remedies for baldness and hair growth.

Hair Growth vs Hair Repair

The health of the hair follicle is very important in order to re-grow hair on a balding head. The hair itself is made up of keratin which is dead, like the nails, hence we feel no pain on hair or nail trimming. The hair follicle sitting under the skin of our scalp is the alive part of the hair which provides the hair with all the nutrients and nourishment to continue growing. Once the follicle is scarred, or dead it is dead! The only treatment left then is the very costly hair transplant or the toupees (if you’re into that kind of stuff).

It is worth your while to understand the difference between strengthening hair (hair repair) and growing hair (hair growth). Many home remedies for hair fall do not actually trigger the regrowth of hair, but instead, help strengthen and repair existing hair. This is to say that they are not actually home remedies for baldness. They improve the condition of the existing hair so it looks fuller, healthier and less prone to breakage but do not actually help in growth.

So the vital question to ask here is…

“Can We Stimulate Hair Growth?” “Are There Any Home Remedies For Baldness?”

And the answer is, “Yes and No“.

There are basically two types of alopecia or hair loss; temporary and permanent. When the cause is nutritional deficiency or stress, hair loss is typically temporary. In such cases, alopecia home remedies actually do work. It must be supported by addressing the underlying cause which may be building up the body’s stores of zinc, boosting iron levels and managing stress. It may take 3-6 months to see progress, but that’s how long you have to wait even if you are using conventional treatment.

Genetic hair loss, on the other hand, is largely permanent, as is any type of hair loss triggered by scarring on the scalp. Scarring can be caused by chemical hair styling or too-tight pony tails. It is a problem especially prevalent among African American women who suffer from hair loss. Scarring can also be triggered by autoimmune disorders.

Alopecia And It’s Types

Present technologies can only help thicken existing hair follicles but none can make dead hair follicles grow again. In order to know what type of hair fall we have and whether it is possible to stimulate hair follicles, we need to know the types of alopecia.

1. Alopecia Areata (Alopecia Totalis and Alopecia Universalis) 

Cause: autoimmunity

Type of hair fall: permanent

2. Androgenetic Alopecia Hair loss

Cause: genetics, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) causes hair loss by inducing a change in the hair follicles. The hairs produced become progressively smaller, eventually shrinking the follicles completely which stops producing hair entirely.

Type of Hair Fall: permanent

3. Cicatrical Alopecia also called Scarring Alopecia or Traction Alopecia

Cause: excessive pulling or tension on hair shafts as a result of certain hair styles

Type of hair fall: permanent

4. Telogen Effluvium

Cause: childbirth, trauma, illness, stress, sudden weight loss, hormonal changes

Type of hair fall: temporary

5. Anagen Effluvium

Cause: radiation, chemotherapy, infection, drugs and toxins.

Type of hair fall: temporary

At one time, the hair follicle is in 3 stages; the anagen, catagen and telegen phase. Anagen is the phase of active growth which stays for 2-6 years. Our hair length depends on this phase. Chemotherapy usually effects this phase. The telogen is the phase of complete rest before the hair sheds off. 50-100 strands of hair in this phase shed off daily. Pulling out a hair in this phase will reveal a solid, hard, dry, white material at the root.

Reasons Why Home Remedies For Baldness Do Not Seem To Work For You

There are many negative stories about “how nothing actually works” and “how they’ve tried everything with no results”. Those who have given home remedies for baldness a try, will give up after one or two attempts and then say such things. The simple fact is that its already been fed into our minds that these remedies are nothing but a waste of time. The maximum effort any man will make is to order a herbal treatment product off a TV commercial that claims to work miracles on a balding head! It takes a little more effort than that.

Since dead hair follicles cannot re-grow hair, our expectations with the home remedies for baldness should be lower. But that doesn’t mean we should have no expectations at all. Let’s figure out why many people fail to see results of the remedies for baldness.

1. Compliance

As with conventional hair loss treatments, natural remedies for baldness take time to work. It can take a few months to a few years to actually notice a difference. Switching from one remedy to another every few weeks convinced that nothing is working is what fails our efforts. Even laser treatments take time to show effect. Being consistent in our efforts can really help see the results we are looking for.

2. Lifestyle

With the advancement of technology, instead of working 9 to 5, now we work 24/7. That adds up to the stress of trying to balance work and family life. Obesity is on the rise and yet we are undernourished. We eat foods high in calories and zero in nutrients. And then who has the time to practically apply all these home remedies for hair growth that are listed on this site? Be honest! How many of the men or women will actually apply eggs, yogurt or aloe vera on their scalp in an attempt to grow back hair? Zilch!

Just like taking care of our skin is a life long process, taking care of our scalp and hair requires our time and attention. Trying out remedies for one or two days won’t work. You need to incorporate these into your lifestyle, for the rest of your life.

3. State Of Hair Follicle

The hair follicle needs to be alive in order to be revitalized for regrowth. There are thousands of documented cases of hair regeneration using the principle of giving life to existing or remaining hair on the scalp.

However if you are suffering from alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia or cicatrical/traction alopecia, chances are home remedies for hair growth will not be effective. You will need drugs like minoxidil, finasteride or a hair transplant to get your hair back.

The web is full of sites claiming home remedies for hair growth that work. I went an extra mile, just for you guys, to bring to you home remedies for baldness which are most effective.

Home Remedies For Baldness

When it comes to home remedies for baldness, we expect miracles to happen in just one or two applications. Whereas we know one hair follicle is in active phase for 2-6 years. Stress, hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies need to be corrected first if we wish to revitalize a dying hair follicle.

1. Correct Malnutrition and Deficiencies

Just like our body needs proper nourishment to grow, there are certain minerals and vitamins and that are essential for healthy hair growth. These nutrients reach our hair through the hair follicle that lies under the skin of our scalp. Deficiencies of iron, zinc and biotin have been linked with thin, brittle hair. Thyroid problems may also cause excessive hair fall. Once these deficiencies are corrected and the hair follicle is well stimulated, your hair will grow back healthier and stronger.

  • Foods Rich in Iron: Apples, spinach, lentils, beans, chickpeas, liver, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, iron fortified cereals
  • Foods Rich in Zinc: Spinach, chickpeas, peas, lamb, shrimp, salmon, mushrooms, brown rice, cashews, peanuts
  • Foods Rich in Biotin: Berries, bananas, liver, mushrooms, cheese, salmon, almonds, peanut butter, avocados

2. Scalp Nourishment

It is important to stimulate the surface of the skin which draws blood to the area of hair growth stimulating follicle cells. Scalp massage is one of the best ways to create this beneficial blood flow.

Oil Massage:

Massaging the scalp with practically any hair oil like coconut oil, olive oil, mustard oil, castor oil, argan oil, almond oil or black seed oil at least once a week (more is better) will work for scalp nourishment. Some of our favorite oils that you should try and get your hands on include:

  • Arnica Oil is taken out from arnica leaves which possess anti-inflammatory properties. Just massage your hair with some arnica oil. This oil works effectively on clogged hair follicles.
  • Jojoba Oil is a powerful home remedy for hair growth when rubbed into the scalp particularly at the spot where you’ve noticed hair loss.
  • Essential Oils: Studies have shown that lavender, when rubbed into the scalp at the point of the initial baldness can slow or even reverse the effects of alopecia. This essential oil, since it is so powerful, should be diluted into a base oil such as almond or coconut oil before being applied. Other essential oils, including peppermint, sage, and rosemary oils can also be used on the scalp to stimulate blood flow to the scalp.
Herbal Treatment:
  •  Amla or Indian Gooseberry Amla or indian gooseberry

For people suffering from hair fall, amla or the Indian gooseberry is a blessing. It is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that can reverse hair loss in its early stage. There are two wonderful ways to use amla.

  1. Use either amla juice or powder and mix it with lemon juice.
  2. Apply it on the scalp and leave it to dry.
  3. Rinse hair using lukewarm water.


  1. Make a concoction of 2 eggs, 2 tea spoons of amla, shikakai (acacia concinna) and soap nut (reetha).
  2. Massage this mixture on your scalp for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash off with a mild shampoo.
  • Fenugreek Seeds (methi) and Coconut MilkFenugreek seeds

The easy way to use fenugreek seeds for hair growth is to use the paste of fenugreek seeds as hair mask. By adding other useful ingredients to fenugreek you can enhance the hair growth properties of the seed.

  1. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight, and mash them in a grinder and turn it into fine paste.
  2. Add two teaspoons of coconut milk to the paste.
  3. Apply this powerful hair mask on scalp and hair
  4. Wash off with a gentle shampoo after 30 minutes.

You can use these remedies for baldness 3-4 times a week.

Home Remedies For Hair Fall (Strengthening Hair)

Taking care of the scalp and hair is essential for maintaining healthy hair growth. Ignore the myths that too much hair washing or shampooing can damage your hair. Just like you have to wash your face every day and then apply moisturizers to retain moisture, in the same way hair conditioning and scalp oiling is a must to prevent hair fall. Using these simple home remedies for hair fall will make your hair strong, healthy and shiny.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

Apple cider vinegar removes clumpy residue from hair due to product buildup. It also works as a natural detangler. When used regularly, it can revitalize your hair, leaving it soft and smooth.

  1. Take equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and mix them
  2. After shampooing, pour the mixture into your hair. If you have a spray bottle, that works even better. That way you can spritz your hair with the mixture.
  3. Massage it into your scalp.
  4. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with plain water.
  5. No need to use conditioner

2. Mayonnaise Hair Conditionermayo for hair growth

Mayonnaise is packed with hair nourishing egg yolks. It is not only safe to use but also based on good science. When you treat your hair with mayonnaise you get the benefit of L-cysteine, an amino acid which is a powerful antioxidant found in eggs. It can give your hair strength, shine and structure. L-cysteine not only makes 18 percent of your hair, but is a keratin- forming substance that increases the hair shaft density.

  1.  Take 1/2 cup of full fat mayonnaise, no flavoring.
  2.  Pour water into your hair to make wet, no need to shampoo
  3. Apply mayo thoroughly from root to tip of the hair
  4. Wear a shower cap and let sit for one hour
  5. Wash off with a gentle moisturizing shampoo

3. Honey and Cinnamon Hair Mask

Honey and cinnamon together have many benefits on the hair. The antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties of honey can treat many scalp infections. It also has moisture retention properties which combats dry hair. Cinnamon helps in regenerating, nourishing and toning of the hair giving it a much healthier and shinier outlook. You can read about different home made honey and cinnamon hair masks here.

Hair makes us look and feel beautiful. But taking care of our hair is just as important as taking care of our skin. And it needs to be done every day. Just like brushing our teeth, washing our face and applying creams and lotions is an every day routine. It goes without saying that incorporating healthy habits into our lifestyle that benefit our scalp and hair is very important too.

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