Acne scars can be extremely annoying, hard to get rid off and can stress and embarrassment. You may have tried covering the scars with makeup, layering it on thick to hide them. Chances are that they stood out even more, or you overdid it and your face felt overly heavy. You might be wondering how to get rid of acne scars naturally without having to undergo expensive treatments. Well, we have the answer right here.
Most acne scars tend to fade away after some time. You might even get advice from family and friends not to ‘pick at them’ or they leave a darker scar and take longer to fade away.
Here is a crash course in what causes acne scars and how to get rid of acne scars naturally. Now remember, the scars won’t disappear overnight. But if you use these natural remedies regularly, over time the acne scars that cause you to to be self-conscious will disappear. In some severe cases you might have to go to a dermatologist for treatment and may require medication.
Causes of Acne
Acne happens to be the most common skin condition in the world. You will typically see it on your face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and in some cases even on your legs.
So, let’s start with understanding what actually causes acne to break out on your face. You might have heard that acne is just a part of life and that you have to live with it and let it run its course. This might lead to the dark spots becoming permanent, and if you have had severe acne, it can severely affect your confidence level and how you view yourself. This may be an entirely materialistic view of it, unfortunately, it is the truth.
So it is best to get it treated. Chances are your dermatologist will be able to help determine what kind of skin you have and what you should to avoid having severe acne bouts. But when it comes down to what exactly causes acne, experts can’t say for sure. They can give you probable causes but that’s about it. Plus you can’t really figure out how to get rid of acne scars naturally if you don’t know what is causing it.
Some things attributed to causing acne include:
1. A rise or change in hormones
One primary reason that acne can occur at any time during our lives is hormones. Some of you might have noticed that as you went through puberty, acne tends to breakout. Many experts believe that when the hormone androgen rises during adolescent, some teenagers will experience minor to severe acne. This particular hormone causes the oil glands under our skin to grow and produce excess oil. This causes the pores to clog and an acne breakout.
Women who are going through menopause also have a fluctuation in hormones. They may also notice acne breakouts. Once again, this will vary from woman to woman. Some might get none or a few, while other’s will feel like they are a teenager again.
2. Hair follicles getting plugged
How could hair follicles cause acne? Hair follicles are connected to oil glands that release sebum. Sebum helps to keep your hair moist and prevents skin from drying out. It travels up the hair and is released from the hair follicles onto the surface of your skin.
Now, if your body produces too much sebum, it can lead to an acne outbreak. Dead skin and sebum together can turn into a cork that plugs the hair follicle. This creates an environment that bacteria thrives in. If bacteria does form and begins to grow there, the area will become inflamed. Depending on how the hair follicle has been blocked, you might end up seeing:
- Whiteheads – where the follicle wall grows
- Blackheads – where the follicle is open to the skin and dirt, and bacteria mix and become a blackhead
- Pimples – they will occur if the blocked follicle is infected. If they are deep, they may turn into cyst-like lumps that can be felt under the skin.
3. Medications
Some medications can cause acne. There is a chance that if you are on some form of drugs, your treatment might be causing the acne outbreak. Medications containing corticosteroids, androgens or lithium can result in breakouts. Before making the decision to stop taking your medication, talk to your healthcare provider and discuss the situation.
4. Diet
What you eat will also affect acne breakouts on your skin. Numerous studies have shown that dairy products, foods rich in carbohydrates and junk foods content will increase acne. Experts can’t say for sure how our diets affect the growth of acne, but there are numerous studies that show a link between the two. Take a look at what you are eating and think back to your last acne outbreak to see if there is a link there.
5. Stress
Stress can cause numerous issues for you and me alike. It varies from person to person. You might notice that with an increase in stress, you are getting severe headaches or other problems such as shoulders tightening up. You might also notice an increase in the acne on your face or the rest of your body. Having high-stress levels does increase acne and can make it worse.
6. Family history
Some experts believe that acne is genetic. If either of your parents suffered from massive bouts of acne breakout, chances are you might also. Even if you are eating properly, keeping your pores unclogged, you may still get acne because of you inherited it from your parents.
7. Friction on the skin
Any form of friction or rubbing on the skin can cause acne. For example, as an ill-fitting bra strap or a backpack that rubs against you as you wear it. Using a mobile phone by pressing it against your skin can cause acne outbreaks too. You might be wondering how? Simple, the screen of your phone (or other things that rub against your skin) gathers dirt and bacteria and oils from your face. These things can actually block pores that result in acne outbreaks.
Myths about acne
1. Greasy food
During the 1960s and 1970s, numerous studies claimed that if you ate greasy food such as burgers and fries, you would increase the chances of acne breakouts. Over the decades, research has shown that isn’t the case.
2. Teenage Problem
In the past, there was a belief that if you were a teenager and suffered from acne, you would eventually outgrow it. Unfortunately, acne is not a something that only affects teenagers. You can get acne in adulthood also. Acne during adulthood is more prevalent in women than in men. They can have acne outbreaks during menopause or when a woman has changing hormones.
3. Makeup
Makeup can block your pores. While this might still be true, if you use makeup products that have silica, titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, they can actually help reduce acne. These ingredients in makeup will contribute to absorbing the oil on your skin.
4. Oily Moisturizers
Back in the day, the assumption was that if you used oily moisturizers, you would be asking for an acne breakout. That isn’t actually true. Dry skin produces more pore blocking oils then the oily moisturizers do. By keeping your skin moisturized your body and skin won’t require to produce any of its own oil, and thus reduce the likelihood of acne.
How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally
How to get rid of acne scars naturally? Some of you may be skeptical about their effectiveness but they do work. It does take time, patience and consistency. They aren’t going to work miracles overnight.
What these natural remedies do is that they help reduce the dark marks. They will also help maintain your skin so that you don’t go through future outbreaks of acne, leading to more acne scars. One aspect which is part of every tip on how to get rid of acne scars naturally is – don’t pick at your acne, don’t rub your hands all over your face, don’t touch it, etc. It just makes the acne worse.
Here are a few ways how to get rid of acne scars naturally:
1. Aloe Vera
Fresh aloe vera gel is the best way how to get rid of acne scars naturally. The gel from the plant has properties that will help repair and heal the skin. In the process, it will also reduce the scars. Not only will it do this but aloe vera is excellent for keeping the skin moisturized, making it healthy and softer in the process.
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of nature’s most amazing moisturizers. It helps skin to heal and keep it healthy. All you have to do is take a small amount of coconut oil and put it in the palm of your hands. Using your finger tips rub the oil onto the scars until it is fully absorbed by the skin. Since it is a moisturizer, you don’t need to wash your face.
If you would rather wash it, wait for at least about half an hour and then wash your face. Leaving it on will help keep your skin clean and healthy, and it will help to fade the dark spots (so just leave it on!).
3. Olive Oil
Olive oil is full of vitamins and anti-oxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Just take a small amount of olive oil and apply it to your face. Focus on the scars and make sure you rub it in really well.
Once done, take a face towel and dip it into warm water. Rinse it and cover your face with it. You want to give your face some steam. Leave it there for a few minutes and then remove the towel and gently wash your face with lukewarm water.
4. Honey
How to get rid of acne scars naturally with honey? It’s really easy, but make sure you buy honey that is natural/organic. All you have to do is take a one teaspoon of honey and apply it over face, just like you would a mask. Leave it on for approximately ten minutes. The honey has natural properties that help to fade acne scars, without causing irritation of any kind. Once the honey has been on for ten minutes just wash your face with cold water. If you are considering this natural remedy for acne scars, make sure you do a minimum of twice a week to get the best results.
5. Sugar Scrub
Another way you can consider for getting rid of acne scars naturally is making your very own sugar scrub.
You’ll need three teaspoons of sugar and two teaspoons of olive oil. Mix the two together and apply the paste to the acne scars. Leave it on for twenty minutes and then wash your face with a mild soap. You should do this for up to four times a week.
6. Turmeric Powder
An age old remedy for skin that is frequently used in South Asia, turmeric powder is known to work wonders as far as treating acne scars naturally is concerned. You take two teaspoons of turmeric powder and mix it with two teaspoons of milk. Once you have a paste, apply the paste to the area with the scars and leave it on for half an hour. Afterward, wash your face with lukewarm water. Do this daily or a couple of times a week for as long as you need.
7. Toothpaste
How to get rid of acne scars naturally with toothpaste is a bit of a debate. Some toothpastes have baking soda. Those are the toothpastes you need.
Baking soda in the toothpaste will help to pull out the oils in the clogged pores and clean them. The drawback is that depending on your skin type, the toothpaste may cause irritation. Essentially, all you need to do is take a little bit of toothpaste and apply it to the scars on your face caused by acne. Leave it on for a few minutes then wash it off. If it begins to irritate the skin, wash it off and stop using it.
8. Baking Soda
If the toothpaste remedy doesn’t suit you, then try using baking soda directly. Take a few teaspoons of baking soda and add in a few drops of lukewarm water to form a paste. Using the same method as for the toothpaste, apply the paste to the scars. Leave it for a few minutes. After a few minutes wash of the baking soda while scrubbing, so that it cleans the pores that are clogged. Make sure that after washing your face, you use a natural moisturizer. You can try this every other day or lesser, and you will see some amazing results.
9. Fenugreek Seeds
Known for its ability to help mend, fenugreek seeds are anti-oxidants that can be used to treat skin issues.
Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and add them to two cups of water in a pan. Boil the water for a few minutes. Once cooked, take the soaked seeds and grind them. You will get a glue-like substance. Keep this stored in your refrigerator.
Apply the substance to the scars and leave it on for approximately 15 minutes. Be careful about the timing, leaving it on for longer could be detrimental. Afterwards, wash your face with warm water. You could also remove the paste with a cotton pad.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is amazing when it comes keeping the ph balance of your skin. Not only does it help the balance but it can help heal and reduce acne scars. Take a small amount of apple cider vinegar and mix it with the same amount of water. Using a cotton ball or pad apply the mixture directly to the areas where the acne scars are and you will see them slowly begin to fade away.
11. Fresh Lemons
Lemons have the ability to lighten the skin and help reduce acne scars. Take some fresh lemons and extract their juice. Then mix the juice in with water (equal parts). Once mixed, apply the mixture using a Q-tip directly to the scar.
Avoid having it come in contact with the skin surrounding it. Leave it on for about fifteen minutes and then wash it off. The lemon juice will bleach the scars naturally, making them lighter and also pull out any excess oil. It is imperative that you mix water with lemon juice, as applying lemon juice directly can cause irritation to the skin.
12. Potato Juice
Aside from french fries, the mineral rich potato can also help reduce acne scars naturally. Take a potato and cut it into thin slices. Place the slices over the acne scars and even pimples. Leave the slices on your face for about fifteen minutes. Then wash your face with lukewarm water. Do this daily and you will start to see that not only are the scars fading, but current pimples are going away too without leaving and marks.
You no longer have to live with blemishes. These are fabulous home remedies are guaranteed to work. This is how to get rid of acne scars naturally, and you can be sure that being natural they will not cause your skin any further problems.