That exhilarating feeling after finding out that your IVF cycle was successful is one of the best in the world. After this exciting event you would probably be very interested in calculating you IVF due date.
Well, this is where things get even better! It is fairly straightforward to do so with an IVF due date calculator. In fact, some people will even argue that the process is simpler for women with IVF than those with natural conception.
One of the most significant things about getting IVF treatment is that you know the exact date when fertilization occurred. This date of transfer of embryos to the uterus will help determine a more accurate date than that of a natural pregnancy.
Does An IVF Due Date Calculator Offer Any Benefits?
More precise calculation
Knowing exactly how far along you are in your pregnancy can give you information about many things. For example, pregnancies typically last for 40 weeks or 280 days. For a natural pregnancy, the date of delivery is usually calculated from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. However, this does not mean that fertilization occurred on the day a woman began her period.
If anything, it is guess work at best since different women ovulate at different points in their cycle. Most women are not even sure when they ovulate, so determining a due date can become even more challenging.
On the other hand, women who conceive with IVF treatment have a definite advantage. For starters, they know exactly when they ovulate since the egg retrieval procedure gets scheduled right before ovulation.
Unplanned or Unexpected Pregnancy
Calculations for natural conception are not very precise because of several factors. For instance, if the pregnancy was unplanned or unexpected, the woman may not necessarily remember the date of her last period. This can make estimating a due date more difficult to predict.
Expected delivery date does not work for irregular cycles
This system works best for women who have a regular menstrual cycle. However, women who have an irregular cycle may find it hard to work with this method. For example, if you get your period every six to seven weeks but then do not get one in three months.
With these statistics you may find it very hard to calculate when you conceived. But because a due date is important, you will need to have one.
With the progression of your pregnancy, other techniques like ultrasound can help you determine a delivery date. Plus, other indicators like the size of your uterus may help determine the stage of your pregnancy.
Other pregnancy milestones like fetal heartbeat or fetal movement can give you clues to whether your expected date is accurate.
These problems do not present themselves in the case of an IVF pregnancy. You have all the details on record like the first day of your last menstrual period or the day of ovulation. You also know your egg retrieval and insemination timings. And whether you opted for the 3 day or the 5 day embryo transfer, you know exactly when it happened.
All these methods can supply you with a fairly reliable estimated due date. And as the pregnancy advances, this can become more accurate based on ultrasound results.
How to calculate natural pregnancy due date
Most pregnancies continue for 38-40 weeks after conception. This is because ovulation typically occurs mid cycle and doctors use this as an indicator to calculate ovulation.
The formula for this is to subtract 3 months from the first day of your last period. Adding in seven days will give you your delivery date the following year.
For instance, if your last period started on April 1st, count back 3 months. This will bring you to January 1st. Now add in seven more days which will take you to January 8th. That is your expected delivery date.
Also known as EDD, this date is only an estimate. Your baby might be born sometime before or after that date.
In fact, only one in 20 babies is actually born on their expected due date. Most babies are born two weeks either way of the EDD.
How to use an IVF due date calculator
To calculate your delivery date using an IVF due date calculator you can choose from smart options available online. All you need to do is feed in your information and get an accurate date for your delivery.
Your IVF Journey has an online calculator that can accurately calculate the arrival of your baby. It can tell you how pregnant you are and can work with donor eggs, donor embryos or a frozen embryo transfer.
You can start by feeding your data into this IVF due date calculator.
Feed in the treatment you received by choosing from options like
- IVF with own eggs
- Fresh donor egg cycle
- Fresh donor embryo cycle
- Day 3 frozen embryo transfer
- Day 5 frozen embryo transfer
Then select your egg retrieval date
Press calculate and find out your expected delivery date.
In case of IVF, not only is the date of transfer important, but also the age of embryo transfer. For instance, if two patients had the same egg transfer date but the embryo age varied, their expected delivery dates would also differ.
If a woman used a three day frozen embryo transfer and the other a five day embryo transfer, they would have due dates two days apart. The woman with the five day transfer will have a delivery date two days earlier since her embryo was two days older.
Considerations when using an IVF due date calculator
Even though predicting a delivery date using an IVF due date calculator is very accurate, there are some special considerations.
For instance, multiple pregnancies are more common with IVF pregnancies. It is known that twins are usually born about 3 weeks before single pregnancies, perhaps around 37 weeks. On the other hand, triplets are born another 4 weeks earlier making it at about 33 weeks. On yet another note, quadruplets are born fairly early at about 31 weeks gestation.