Why does everything taste salty to me? Most people have experienced that phase where everything tastes salty; not because they were somehow consuming too much of Lays salty flavor, but because of 23 other possible causes. But the good news is that most of these reasons for which everything tastes salty are not serious.
Back in the Google search engine, someone asked a question. Everything tastes salty, what are the symptoms? The person probably meant that what could be the possible symptoms of this issue. Well, the only symptom is that everything DOES taste salty. So if you are having that salty phase in your life or you have that quest for knowing all you can, this article is for you.
Grab a coffee, sit back, and read on. Don’t forget to relax. We are not going to break a bad news. Here are 23 possible reasons for you to have a salty taste all day long.
1.Poor oral hygiene:
Ever woke up feeling that salty taste and a foul smell from your mouth? Well, everyone wakes up in a similar condition. The science behind this is that humans produce less saliva at night. This gives bacteria a chance to build up and play the role of giving you a salty taste along with bad breath. Therefore, we go brush our teeth as we wake up. This solves the problem. However, if you are among that 37 percent of the American population who forget to brush daily, then we have a serious issue at hand [Source].
Make a habit of brushing your teeth daily. It will not only improve your oral health but also solve the problem of salty taste.
2. Dehydration:
Are you living in extremely hot climate where high temperature sucks all the water you consume? If that’s the case, this one can be the sure answer to why everything tastes salty. Other groups of people who are prone to dehydration are the ones who exercise strenuously. This leaves them with the need to drink lots of water to make up for the loss.
Dehydration leads to high concentration of salt in saliva and that’s where the salty tastes come from.
How do I check myself for dehydration?
There are two ways to see if you are dehydrated or not.
- Pull your tongue out and look into the mirror. If you find it dry, it’s a sign of dehydration. Normally, your tongue should be moist.
- Pinch the skin on the outer surface of your hand for 5 seconds. If it doesn’t go back to the original position, you are probably dehydrated. In this case, you will find that pinched skin forming a tent over your hand.
The simple advice is to drink water. According to Institute of Medicine 3 liters of water intake for men and 2.2 for women is adequate [Source]. You may, however, want to increase your uptake during hot summer days.
If you have symptoms like increased heartbeat, dizziness along with dry mouth and salty taste, you should set an appointment with your doctor.
3. Post nasal drip:
If in any case, your nasal secretions enter the mouth, you get a salty taste. Usually, they drip right into the food pipe. But there are some exceptional times when they enter the mouth and you get to taste them.
4. Sinus infection:
This is a common issue in winters. The concept is same. Post nasal drip in sinus infection is the culprit for salty taste. While the taste is not something to worry about, you must get appropriate treatment for sinus infection.
5. Dental abscess:
An abscessed tooth is a painful infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth [Source]. It’s the pus that causes salty taste in your mouth.
Other than this salty taste, there is much more for which you wouldn’t want to have a dental abscess. It not only has that unpleasant taste, but it can literally make a way to drain on the outside of your skin. Well, no one wants to have a tap on skin that emits pus.
Make sure if you have any dental pain or swelling around teeth, gums or cheeks, get yourself checked before it’s too late. Such a swelling is a clear indication of infection.
6. Vitamin B12 deficiency:
The deficiency of this vitamin causes a sore tongue. It also gives that beefy red color to your tongue, and this can be a reason to why everything tastes salty. So, a combination of sore and beefy red tongue can give you a hint. The diagnosis, obviously, will be the work of your physician. If it turns out to be a deficiency of Vitamin B12, supplements are the next thing to buy.
7. Zinc deficiency:
If your food tastes too salty, nutritional deficiency could be the cause. A taste change is a common manifestation of zinc deficiency. Change in taste could be of two types:
- Salty
- Metallic
Fortunately, zinc supplements are available to fulfill the deficiency. However, do not just grab these and get going. You must get a prescription from MD.
8. Medications:
Medicines, unlike fruits, are capable of causing dozens of side effects. One of them being a change in taste. The good news is that after treatment when you stop taking those medicines, the complaint of everything tastes salty vanishes. Following are some common medications that cause salty taste in the mouth.
- Chemotherapy drugs
- Anti-hyperthyroid drugs
- Medicines used to treat high blood pressure
- Antihistamines
- Decongestants
- Antidepressants
Some people may experience metallic taste as well.
9. Acid reflux:
Almost everyone has experienced a vomiting episode. What happens after that? Everything tastes salty. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a type of digestive disorder. Here, the stomach content moves in the reverse direction and just like a vomit, it comes to your mouth or in the upper throat. So, acid reflux has the same effect as that of a vomit, and you end up having a salty taste.
Mind it, GERD is not something that you should ignore. Get it checked. It not only causes a bad taste but also the erosion of teeth.
10. Pregnancy:
It is funny how things change during pregnancy; someone who loves mustard would suddenly start hating it, a sweet thing may taste bitter, or else everything may taste salty. So, nothing to worry about. This is just another pregnancy thing. It’ll get better over time.
11. Common cold:
It comes with a lot of post nasal drip which is why you get that salty taste. Warm salt water gargles can help you clear the nasal secretions early.
12. Sjogren’s syndrome:
You can also call it dry eyes and dry mouth syndrome. This is an autoimmune condition in which body’s own immune system attacks salivary glands. As the mouth is dry, salty bacteria are not flushed down the throat and hence the salty taste.
Sjogren’s syndrome is a rare condition and usually appears in 40’s. Other than dry mouth, it also has joint and ocular manifestations.
13. Menopause:
It can happen in rare cases that women in the phase of menopause may experience salty taste in the mouth. Both pregnancy and menopause are likely to make women go through individual experiences. However, with time, as the hormones settle down, things get better.
14. Smoking:
A habitual smoker is at a risk of numerous medical conditions. One of them is infections in the salivary glands. This is a short lived infection but it does cause a salty taste in the mouth. Another outcome of smoking is dry mouth which eventually leads to salty taste.
15. Hypogeusia:
It is a medical term for lack of taste sensations. A person having hypogeusia will have a reduced ability to taste different flavors. It could be due to certain medicines or an acute viral illness.
16. Dysgeusia:
While this condition mostly causes bad or metallic taste, people often suffer the salty taste as well. It is more common in women or older age groups. The underlying cause of dysgeusia can be a new drug, chemotherapy or zinc deficiency. Treatment includes artificial saliva, use of alternate medicine, and zinc supplements.
17. Complications of surgery:
Just like tears and nasal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) also tastes salty. One of the complications of head surgery can be CSF leak. This results in a salty taste. Obviously, if someone didn’t have any head injury, he need not bother about this cause. Moreover, it is a temporary problem.
18. Eye drops:
They can either cause a bitter taste in the mouth or else a salty one. However, this is a rare case. It happens because your eyes have a connection to nose through nasolacrimal duct, and nasal fluids drip in the throat; sometimes mouth.
19. Blood:
Even though we are not vampires but we still know what blood tastes like. Salty.
When gums bleed, the salty taste buds get active and hence you feel the taste. The solution is pretty simple; warm water rinses, brushing twice a day and using a mouthwash that reduces gum inflammation. If you have swollen gums, you may need to check into a dental clinic.
20. Caffeinated drinks:
Occasionally, especially during exam season, consuming a high quantity of coffee becomes a necessity. It not only keeps you attentive but also helps you stay awake till late hours. But then exam season doesn’t last forever. While you love coffee, the fact that it may cause dry mouth cannot be denied.
It is common for us to drink high volumes of caffeinated liquids and then suffer the end results; sleepless nights, dry mouth, and maybe a nauseatic feeling. Too much of coffee, alcohol, coke, and tea can also cause salty taste in mouth due to lack of saliva. Take care, an excess of everything is bad. So, make sure that you are NOT regularly consuming large mugs of coffee.
21. Paraneoplastic Syndrome:
This syndrome usually affects those individuals who have previously been diagnosed with cancer. It results in ataxia, hypotonia, encephalitis, short-term memory loss, and irritability. Paraneoplastic Syndrome can cause a change in taste sensations with bitter and salty taste being common.
22. Brain tumor:
Relax! When everything tastes salty, a brain tumor is probably the last thing to think about. There are other rational reasons for a salty taste. You do not need to fret about it.
If the salty taste continues for days, you can visit your doctor for gustatory investigations and accurate diagnoses.
23. Stroke:
In very rare cases, stroke can cause a similar case of altered taste. If stroke affects the part of your brain that controls sensations, you would experience a change in the perception of taste and smell.
What should I do if everything tastes salty?
The best way is to find out the cause. Dry mouth and poor oral hygiene are the top two culprits. If these are not the reason for your salty taste, consider taking a look at your medications. If you are taking drugs like anti-hypertensive, antithyroid, or antihistamines, your salty taste can possibly be due to these medicines.
It is best to consult a doctor and get diagnosed. Once the diagnosis is in place, treatment gets easy. Meanwhile, you can use xylitol-unsweetened gum. It is important that you use sugarless gum. Chewing on sugary gum can accelerate tooth decay. While we do want you to get rid of your salty taste and get back to enjoying the variety of tastes, our concerns for the health of your teeth are also high. So make sure that you buy sugar-free gum.
Drink lots of water.
You can also use oral rises or mouth sprays.
Make sure that you are not consuming high volumes of salty food; the food that is rich in sodium.
There are certain concerns when everything tastes salty. People often ask the following question:
Everything tastes salty. Is it connected to thyroid, cancer, pregnancy, or nutritional deficiency?
Yes, it is quite possible. You must get it confirmed by your doctor.