Medical Knowledge, Prevention And Treatment About Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids – What is hemorrhoids? What causes hemorrhoids? We ordinary people are difficult to understand from the medical point of view. We can vividly compare the hemorrhoids to the balloons, being blown big.  Since we have played the balloons, from experiences we know that the more force we use; the more gas blowing in; the greater the balloon.

There are two vascular nets distributed around the anorectum. Medically they are Hemorrhoids venous plexus and anal venous plexus. The two are just like two balloons. Under normal circumstances, they are responsible for local venous blood recovery around the anorectal area. However, there are a number of factors that affect the recovery, the two “balloons” will become larger, and at last they turn into hemorrhoids.

More solutions about how do hemorrhoids last and what people can do to recover from hemorrhoids fast please click the link:/long-hemorrhoids-last-recover-fast/

Why do people get hemorrhoids?

1 → Spicy diet: We all know too spicy food will cause hemorrhoids, but for what reason we do not know. After intake of a large number of spicy foods; the capsaicin ingredients will stimulate the increase of local blood supply. Thus the “blowing” of the plexus leads to the formation of hemorrhoids.

2 → Long and sedentary station: anus is located in the lowest end of the body cavity, where the bearing pressure is the largest. Sedentary station makes it so difficult to get the anus blood recycled. The prolonged stay of the anus blood in the anus takes forms of the hemorrhoid.

3 → Forced defecation: when during the constipation, we will defecate at full tilt, at this time we will hold our breath and the abdomen; and the diaphragm falls down. Therefore, it increases the difficulty of venous returning. At the same time dry and hard feces will squeeze the blood vessels, leading to the block of blood reflux.

4 → Long time defecation: When defecating, the anal sphincter is in a relaxed state; where the venous plexus will expand. Thus the decline in flexibility finally causes the hemorrhoid.

5 → Pregnancy: the uterus and rectum are close to each other. When the fetus gradually grows; the uterus slowly becomes larger and will oppress the rectum; thus, it would result in difficulty of venous reflux. According to incomplete statistics, the incidence of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is 30% higher than other groups of people.

Medical Knowledge, Prevention And Treatment About Hemorrhoids

Classification of hemorrhoids

Secondly, the hemorrhoids can be divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids exist around the anus; its size is from the size soybean to the size of peanut. It is like a soft blob. It feels pain by touching and quite painful when taking a dump.

Internal hemorrhoids

The initial symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are a little itchy in the anus; and a little bit pain when taking a dump; what else, even a little blood on the toilet paper. The blood is usually a bright red color. In severe cases it would cause anemia if the blood is running like water. At the beginning, is not severe and often a few days it will self-heal. Thus, most people will not be too concerned about it. However, a long time recurrence will gradually form a “hemorrhoid”, around the hemorrhoids the blob will grow, if lump too hard it will come out, after that it will slowly recover and get back in. ( At late stage it will not go back anymore).

Mixed hemorrhoids

Mixed hemorrhoids are the combination of the first two.

External hemorrhoids are particularly painful. Even if only a small particle (external hemorrhoids can be touched with your hands) is painful. If the cases are not serious, we can get relatively good treatment with external medicine. While, unlike the external hemorrhoids; internal hemorrhoids are not as itchy as the external hemorrhoids. It is generally itchy and has blood in the feces. Due to that it is not particularly painful; a lot of people do not take it seriously. However, if the internal hemorrhoids are painful, and bleeding becomes the norm; then the situation has been a little bit serious. Especially the “hemorrhoids” seem to pull out and also get back provides the anus is clamped tightly. At this time, if you do not attach importance to it, it can not go back anymore.


There are three main types of treatment: external use of medicine, internal use of medicine and surgery. The first two is what we call the conservative treatment; it aims at the situation that is not serious.

Focus on surgery, surgery is the treatment when the disease developed to a very serious level and there is no other way but had to.

In general, the surgery is for the hemorrhoids that developed to the point of having difficulty to clean up for really a long time. And the surgery is also divided into several categories. However, the basic idea is to cut out the hemorrhoids and then stitch. But, the surgery also has shortcomings.

To speak plainly, although the surgery is with short time, the surgery needs to cut a soft tissue at the anus- anal cushion. After surgery it may cause anal stenosis, anus closed not tightly and other very depressing sequelae (So when choosing to do the surgery, it should be cautious). As there is a rubber ring at the combination parts of the cup lid and cup; its main role is leak-proof. And the function of anal cushion is equivalent to the rubber ring. By the way, it is said that the latest surgery can now retain the anal cushion.

Also, surgery can not be once and for all, a lot of people still do not pay attention to the anus even after surgery, do remember that recurrence after surgery gets more trouble!

Causes of hemorrhoids

Many pathogenic factors lead to hemorrhoid; such as routine diet, lifestyle, and mental stress and so on. According to my personal experience, prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids should conclude these aspects:

1, Good habits and regular work and rest.

2, Drink plenty of water.

And eat more vegetables rich in cellulose (lettuce; cauliflower; Cucumber; spinach; lettuce; pumpkin; apples; bananas; peaches; cherries; jujube. Banana can lubricate the feces and have a preventive effect, but no effect for treatment). Furthermore, avoid spicy and cold foods and quit smoking!

3, Moderate exercise.

Of course, when the disease gets severer, every step of walking is very painful.

4, In addition to the pain of anus, sometimes the situation will be particularly severe when taking a dump.

Someone who is afraid of pain will endure taking no dump. Thus, the feces will be increased in the rectum and will gradually be dehydrated and gets hardened. And the situation will get even worse.

Constipation and dry feces are the induction and direct cause of hemorrhoids. So, drink plenty of water is very necessary. If you are witty to think of another way- the laxatives, it will worsen the disease.

Play mobile phones while taking a dump and concentric obesity (belly) which causes high abdominal pressure are reasons to induce hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women with high abdominal pressure are also very easy to get hemorrhoids. Some external uses of medicines need to be used with caution by pregnant women. so do a good prevention job in advance is necessary!

Diarrhea, constipation, dry stool, taking a dump too long will induce and aggravate hemorrhoids.

Personal recommend two kinds of sports: jogging. (Long-term insistence); swimming (No swimming when painful).

Diet after hemorrhoid surgery

After the first day of surgery, eat some liquid food; and some general food at the first 2 to 3 days. In order to maintain smooth stool and nutritional compensation; patients can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables that are easy to digest. And encourage patients to defecate on time. Apparently, 5 to 7 days at the period of fraying, instruct patients to eat foods rich in fiber based on fine and soft. Please note that do not eat cold, spicy and other irritating food.

Adequate drinking of water after the surgery is a necessary. Only to maintain adequate water at the intestine can facilitate the softening of feces. Besides drinking water, eat more soft food, porridge food, dairy and other foods during the three meals a day to increase the content of water in the intestine.

Through a period of time after the surgery, patients should eat more foods containing crude fiber. Some plant fiber in the intestine is not easy to be digested and absorbed. What else, it can absorb the water inside the intestine and form hydrophilic colloid that is conducive to soften the feces. In food, water content in vegetables and fruits is more than in grain. So that patients should eat more vegetables and fruits. While, coarse grains are better than refined grains, so patients should also eat polenta; rice; sweet potatoes; cabbage; leeks and other coarse grains.


What can not be eaten after the hemorrhoids surgery?

1, Greasy food. Rumor has it that oil can play a laxative effect, so patients should eat more oil. And hemorrhoids patients can eat some greasy food after the surgery. But, in fact, this is a false method. Greasy food tends to increase the burden of intestinal digestion and prolong time to take a dump. By this way, it is more likely to lead to constipation and recurrence of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids patients are appropriate to eat some fatty foods, such as sesame; walnut; melon seeds; peanuts and etc., they have a good laxative effect.

2, Heavy taste food. Patients who are suffering from hemorrhoids should have a light diet with fewer spices. Actually, to the hemorrhoids patients, they also can not eat heavy taste food after surgery. Heavy food can easily make intestinal discomfort and increase liver metabolism. It can cause hemorrhoids or increase the disease of hemorrhoids.

3, Spicy food. After hemorrhoids surgery, it is forbidden to eat spicy food. Take it for example, pepper; ginger; fennel; mustard; garlic; onions and etc. Alcohol and coffee is not allowed to eat, these foods can also stimulate the rectal mucosa and cause local edema. Long-term effects will cause the stiffness of veins wall and the reduction of elasticity; expansion of congestion and etc., leading to hemorrhoids.

5, Non-digestible food. The defecation after hemorrhoids surgery is very important. At this time, eat more bread; noodles; rice and other soft food. Foods like fritters; fried spring rolls; fat meat; roast duck and other non-digestible food should better quit.
Medical Knowledge, Prevention And Treatment About Hemorrhoids

5 things need to be done after hemorrhoids surgery

1, After taking a dump, make sure to insist on hip bath and disinfecting:

Take a hip bath with warm water after taking a dump can not only alleviate the pain symptoms; but can also clean the anus. Thus it can reduce the bacterial infection and promote wound healing.

2, Take a rest after surgery:

Generally within one week after the surgery, patients should not do too much exercise as far as possible. The best is lying in bed and have a rest, so you can reduce wound infection and avoid of lengthening wound healing time. Do not do too much activities after three months just in avoids of rupturing the wound that is about to heal.

3, Good eating habits:

Patients can not eat spicy, greasy and other irritating foods after hemorrhoids surgery. It is best not to eat even dry food; and eat more fruits and vegetables; drink plenty of water and so on.

4, Maintain smooth stool:

It needs to go through 24 hours to defecate after hemorrhoids surgery. This is because if defecation too early; the wounds are easier to infect. Also it would cause some complications and increase the patient’s pain. If patients are going through severe constipation; they can warm the anus with warm water before defecation. And it can buffer the stimulation of the stool to the anus. Consequently, it reduces the patient’s pain.

5, Prohibition of sex within two weeks:

The pain after surgery is more violent, very few patients will have sexual ideas. And doctors rarely warned. Most of the patients after the surgery feel less painful. Unavoidably, some patients will have physiological needs in this regard. Anorectal surgery wound usually takes 2-6 weeks to heal. Wound bleeding risk will increase if having sex too early. Especially young and newly married patients need to pay attention to.


Hemorrhoids may reoccur after surgery. Therefore, patients should avoid long and sedentary stand. And do more exercise just in avoids of fatigue. What’s more, patients should eat less irritating food. In addition, the patients should not eat too full in prevention of recurrence.

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